Ideal Tilt Gate
Accent Alarms has extensive experience providing end-to-end Vertical Pivot Security Gate solutions. We have over 20 years of experience providing and installing automatic vehicle gates. If you want a quality long term solution, we can work together to find a solution that you won't regret. There is nothing more frustrating to see people pushing and pulling their gates open and closed after they've paid for a gate operator. It will always cost more to redo a gate than to do it right the first time.
We very proudly install the #1 Vertical Pivot Gate by Ideal Manufacturing
Engineered to exceed demanding security requirements, Tilt-A-Way Vertical Pivot Gates are recognized for setting the standards in design quality and performance. For either low or high security applications, our vertical pivot gates are manufactured and tested to withstand the harshest operating conditions while complementing any security access system and is also UL 325 Listed.
As a security gate manufacturer, part of IDEAL’s on-going commitment to quality, test procedures established at our Billings, Montana headquarters, exercise each component of our Tilt-A-Way vertical pivot test gate with 2,900 cycles per day, 7 days per week, 12 months per year. In all, over 2.7 million cycles have been completed to date ensuring long-term performance.
Here is a video of Sean recently replacing the cables inside a Ideal Tilt-A-Way vertical pivot gate. This failure can often be prevented with regular preventive maintenance of your tilt-gate.